People said no-one would use the Smith Street bike track but [Wollongong City] council data claims thousands of riders are taking advantage of it.

“By shifting our focus our social impact has become a lot bigger.”

Active transport advocates worldwide look to Amsterdam for inspiration and advice on how to encourage cycling as a safe, attractive, and effective mode of transport.

Since 2016, urban development consultants Analitica have been using automatic traffic counters to conduct road impact studies throughout Guatemala.

Just south of Brisbane sits Logan City Council, a sprawling local government with a road network that connects 958 km2 of land throughout 70 suburbs

The state of Colorado in the USA contains over 3.5 million acres of federally protected wilderness, much of which lies in remote regions of the Rocky Mountains.

Last week’s COVID lockdown in Perth, Australia highlighted the value of real-time traffic data collection for monitoring individual vehicle movements during critical times.

Many local governments and state road authorities have been using MetroCount traffic counters to monitor state borders during 2020’s coronavirus pandemic.