The Department of Civil Engineering, RV College of Engineering in New Delhi, India, evaluated the RoadPod VT and RoadPot VT4 in September 2021. The evaluation concluded that MetroCount’s traffic counters performed at over 95% accuracy which is considered exceptionally good in Indian traffic conditions.

The Tasmanian Department of Transport has tested our Vehicle Tube Classifier's accuracy against the precision of video records. The results: the MetroCount equipment showed 100.0% accuracy across 12 Classes of Australian AUSTROADS Class Scheme.

The North Dakota State University conducted research on the Accuracy of Traffic Detection Devices. Their study showed that MetroCount is the most accurate logger, and determined their agency to purchase our system.

In 2001, the University of Central Florida has investigated heavy truck freight movement. To measure the impact, they have used a variety of traffic counters. According to their findings the MetroCount unit "was more dependable than other counters".