Condition Assessment
Pavement management begins with the assessment of pavement condition through various techniques such as visual inspections, pavement distress surveys, and structural evaluations. This process helps identify pavement deterioration, such as cracks, potholes, rutting, or surface roughness, which can impact ride quality and safety.
Performance Evaluation
Evaluating pavement performance involves analysing data related to traffic volumes, loadings, and environmental factors. By understanding how pavements perform under specific conditions, such as heavy traffic or adverse weather, asset managers can make informed decisions regarding maintenance, rehabilitation, or reconstruction strategies.
Asset Inventory and Data Management
Pavement management systems rely on accurate and up-to-date inventory data, including information about pavement type, thickness, construction history, and maintenance records. Effective data management enables efficient decision-making, helps prioritise maintenance activities, and tracks the effectiveness of interventions over time.

Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategies
Based on the condition assessment and performance evaluation, pavement management involves developing and implementing maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. These strategies may include preventive maintenance, such as crack sealing or surface treatments, as well as corrective measures like patching or resurfacing. The goal is to address pavement distresses in a timely manner, preventing further deterioration and optimising the use of available resources.
Cost Analysis and Optimisation
Pavement management aims to optimise the allocation of financial resources by considering the costs associated with various maintenance and rehabilitation options. This involves analysing the life cycle costs of pavements, including initial construction, ongoing maintenance, and eventual reconstruction. By evaluating different scenarios, asset managers can identify cost-effective strategies that maximise pavement performance and minimise long-term expenditures.
Performance Monitoring and Feedback
Continuous monitoring and evaluation of pavement performance are essential in pavement management. This includes periodic condition surveys, pavement performance modelling, and the use of performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of maintenance interventions. Feedback from these assessments helps refine and improve future management strategies.
By implementing an effective pavement management system, transportation agencies can proactively address pavement deterioration, extend the life of road surfaces, minimise disruptions to road users, optimise resource allocation, and enhance overall road network performance.
Speak to the team at MetroCount to ensure you are monitoring your Pavement network efficiently.