From setting up a survey to unveiling traffic patterns, MTE is indispensable for road managers and planners worldwide.

Compatible and required by any MetroCount system, this traffic analysis software is adaptable to fit your survey goals.

Choose from a wide range of traffic reports and graphs, or customise your own by shifting parameters.

  • Average Daily Traffic                                  
  • Vehicle Classification
  • 85th Percentile Speed
  • Weekly Vehicle Counts

  • Vehicle Class x Speed Matrix 
  • Speed Histogram
  • Peak Hour Analysis
  • Individual Vehicles

Each Vehicle in Detail

We pioneered the time-stamping of every axle and designed MTE® to identify and interpret these records precisely. This approach makes our software:

  • Responsive: data not locked into a particular operating mode;
  • Flexible: time-stamped axle data can easily be manipulated;
  • Retroactive: new functionalities can be used to reanalyse old files. 

RoadPod VT - MetroCount tube counter in Sydney

Built-in Classification Schemes

The software includes over 30 classification schemes, corresponding to international standards, or built over time together with road managers.

The latest MTE V5+ has introduced the Shared Path scheme. Distinguishing pedestrians from cyclists on bike paths, this scheme provides an overview of active transportation modes and identifies potential hazards caused by high speeds or congestion. 

MetroCount - bikes and pedestrian counter

Network-wide Traffic Analysis

Through Site Lists, MTE enables ongoing survey management across survey networks. Thus, road managers can grasp the evolution of traffic over time. This in-depth assessment plays a key role in economic analysis, congestion management, road lifespan evaluation, traffic modelling, and funding applications. 


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