Download cycling data from your desk
The Remote Access Link sends information from your bike counter to any computer running MetroCount software. It is perfect for managing hard-to-access or semi-permanent sites, saving time surveying multiple locations, diagnosing sensor issues during active surveys and improving staff safety.
Slimline, budget-friendly case
Choose the MetroCount Handle instead of the traditional metal case when purchasing the RidePod BT. Benefits include a discount off the standard RidePod BT price, 56% lighter in comparison, a compact design for easy handling and total weather resistance.
5 tips for surveying traffic on dirt roads & cycleways
MetroCount’s vehicle monitoring systems are renowned for collecting data on sealed or paved roads and cycleways. But did you know they’re also extremely effective at surveying traffic on dirt roads and bike paths?
Speeding up the mobility transition
“By shifting our focus our social impact has become a lot bigger.”
MetroCount data proves Wollongong cycleway a hit
People said no-one would use the Smith Street bike track but [Wollongong City] council data claims thousands of riders are taking advantage of it.
RidePod BT vs RoadPod VT for surveying cycleways
The world knows and trusts the RoadPod® VT for easily and accurately surveying road traffic. However, with a global boom in cycling post-COVID-19 MetroCount strongly encourages the use of the RidePod® BT instead for monitoring bikes.
Wij hebben 5 RidePods met toegang op afstand. Deze worden meestal geplaatst op speciale fietsstroken op de weg en helpen ons recreatief fietsen beter te begrijpen. Ze zijn een waardevol bezit en we hebben de verzamelde gegevens gebruikt om financiering aan te vragen voor het verbeteren van de infrastructuur in die gebieden.