Two of MetroCount’s leading engineers and CEO began the journey with a three-hour flight north of Perth and, from there, travelled to Kununurra, Halls Creek and Broome. During the week-long visit, 11 RoadPod® VM sites were installed across the Kimberley region after an initial regional Brookton Highway test site on the rough “chip seal” surface. This provided a vital and quick solution to replace damaged permanent sites.

MetroCount has delivered a result: all 11 sites are live and functional, with real-time information. The RoadPod VM sites now provide Main Roads WA with continual and accurate data on road usage and traffic flow, improving the safety and efficiency of the road network.
The team was able to install up to 4 RoadPod VM sites a day (also with Real Time Gateways), including extensive travelling. A permanent site installation took less than 30 minutes.

The project was a significant success, and we were honoured to contribute to improving the road network in the Kimberley region. At MetroCount, we take pride in our commitment to providing innovative solutions that make a difference.
Learn more about our remote traffic monitoring solutions or contact our friendly team for advice on a particular project.

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